Preppin’ Baby’s Room

Never quit moving this whole weekend. Finally managed to dedicate the time, along with Jessie’s parents to get the baby’s rooms ready for the arrival.

Started at around 10:00 AM Saturday morning and did not stop until this evening…

The walls were pretty messed up, took several hours to patch and sand everything to get the wall smooth and consistent.

Once the walls were fixed up, the only logical thing to do was exterminate the brown trim. There just simply is no room for “brown” in the encyclopaedia of sane aesthetics. All the trim was repainted white to scratch that off the agenda.

Next up, the walls were all repainted a half and half two tone consisting of what I’m told is a subtle green on top, beige at the bottom and separated by a wall paper banner consisting of various characters from Disney’s Bambi. Took two full coats of primer to cover up the previous dark blue and gold colours on the wall.

To finish everything off, I decided to give the electrical in the room a healthy face-lift. First off, I picked up a good set of wire strippers to prevent certain injuries and then replaced all the electrical outlets with the decora variety and installed a dimmer light switch along with a new light fixture.

After a ton of work, the results look very good, with the exception of the light fixture. For some reason only two of the three bulbs light up. I’ve already tested the bulbs and all is fine. If the wiring wasn’t right, none of the bulbs would have worked. In addition to the one bulb not lighting, the light isn’t very bright. Think I’ll yank it back out, drag it back to IKEA and get something else.

8 Responses to “Preppin’ Baby’s Room”

  1. MOM Says:

    did you have the time, for a smoke break?

    the old color was red, not gold
    but it looks very nice Denis………..Love Mom

  2. Denis Lemire Says:

    Actually, it had two colors… Red and gold…

  3. Diana Desharnais Says:

    Hey dude! And Mom to be!!!

    Great job on the room, but where are the curtains????? You know I notice these things!!!! Sorry, this is something that I wondered about, but I guess you will eventually figure that the baby will sleep better in the dark!!!!! LOL sorry!!!! Just bugging ya two!!! You should post a before pic of the room, just so people could see the difference, but somehow I remember the nightmare it was!!!! Much better now though!!!

    Again Great Great Job!!!


    stupid dialup cut me off, I am so pissed off right now I cannot believe it!!!!!

  4. Diana Desharnais Says:

    Denis, set your clock, it is wrong…..

  5. Denis Lemire Says:

    It actually has a blind now, looks much better, I agree… This picture was of Baby’s Room 1.0 Beta 2…. We’re now at version 2.0. 🙂

    Jessie said I needed to update that picture… Guess she was right. 🙂

    What clock?

  6. Denis Lemire Says:

    I have posted updated pictures in the Photo Gallery. This includes more up to date pictures as well as the hideous before pictures. 😀

  7. Diana Desharnais Says:

    Okay, Good job!!!! The computer clock is wrong on the message where it states the date and time!

    How is Jessie doing??? Anxous for the big day, are you two ready, I am so excited for you two, I just cannot wait to here if it is a girl or boy, then I can go shopping!!!

    I hope that all goes well for Jessie and you, but you are not having the baby she is so I am rooting for her!!!!

    Take care you two, talk to you soon!!!


  8. Denis Lemire Says:

    Well aren’t you observant? You’re right, the clock was out by an hour in some sections due to the site not properly compensating for daylight savings time. I have fixed this now. 😛

    Jessie had an appointment this morning. She’s 3 cm dilated and her due date was supposed to be tomorrow so we’re not far off now.

    I think we’re ready, I’ll let you know if we were after the fact. 😉

    We’re definitely very excited though!

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