Archive for September, 2014

A tale of two AirPorts

Sunday, September 28th, 2014

The concept of a “guest” WiFi network, open to anyone but isolated from the rest of my home LAN has always been appealing… The feature has existed in the AirPort Extreme routers since the third generation (circa 2009).

Originally the feature would disappear the moment you turn off router functionality and place the AirPort in bridge mode. This combined with my insistence on letting my FreeBSD box serve as the Internet gateway for my household negated my ability to use the feature.

In a firmware update some time ago, this feature re-appeared, even while the router was in bridge mode… I tried it once, discovered I could get no traffic to flow through it, shrugged it off and disabled it…



I should write more…

Friday, September 5th, 2014

Too many moments happen in between the rigorous fits of self documentation I disseminate here. My older (of two) daughters is about to turn seven (tomorrow!) and I have a new born son that doesn’t exist if you base your facts on said missing ramblings.

It’s easy enough to make excuses, some more legitimate than others:

I do have the odd blog post in recent years, but they mostly share a common theme: “Let me jump on my soapbox, I feel the need to whine about my current first world problem!”

Some of my older entries have been more enjoyable… More personal… If nothing else, useful for my own reminiscing… I’ve satisfied that itch with the occasional entry in Day One, but I wonder… Maybe, like opensource software, the fear of embarrassment will force a higher quality if I just hang it all out there…

Failing that, maybe this can, at least, serve as a cheap thrill for the voyeuristic impulses of random passer-bys.