Archive for the 'Family' Category

It’s another girl!

Thursday, February 11th, 2010

After a very inconvenient 9 month waiting period, Jessie & I finally had the opportunity to meet our second daughter. Allison Zoe Lemire was born yesterday evening at 7:23 PM.

Allison weighed in at exactly 8 lbs and is 21 ½ inches tall. Impressed as we may be, we’re told she’ll get heavier and taller over the next several years.

Guess who’s a year old?

Saturday, September 6th, 2008

Well, there you have it! Natalie celebrated her first birthday today! Her progress in the last six months have been incredible, I can only imagine the next six.

She has recently began to favor walking over crawling and can now dash quite speedily throughout the house. Her sense of curiosity and desire to explore are developing as rapidly as her personality.

Natalie is six months, today!

Thursday, March 6th, 2008

Six months and nearly five hundred photos later, Natalie is still well, kicking and cuter then ever!

She still hasn’t learned to walk, talk or hack the Pentagon yet, but her development has still been nothing short of impressive.

I’m really not sure how the time flew by so quickly, though I’m sure the next half year will go by just as quick as Jessie and I master the ropes of this whole parenthood gig!

It’s a girl!

Saturday, September 8th, 2007

She’s here! Natalie Emily Lemire was born on September 6th 10:20 PM at the Grey Nuns Community Hospital.

Natalie weighed in at a colossal 4.15 kg (9 pounds, 2 ounces) and measured an impressive 59 cm.

To those 60% of you who voted boy on the poll Natalie would like to stress the following: “ha!”

Preppin’ Baby’s Room

Sunday, July 22nd, 2007

Never quit moving this whole weekend. Finally managed to dedicate the time, along with Jessie’s parents to get the baby’s rooms ready for the arrival.

Started at around 10:00 AM Saturday morning and did not stop until this evening…
